
If you want to build a Data Analysis, Data Visualization or Reporting Portfolio, then you can find data sets everywhere on the Internet. and are very popular site for sourcing Data. And they have very huge library of data for nearly any sector/industry.

I believe that a Data Portfolio that deals with actual or real life business cases will make bigger statement about the owner.

And I’d rather have a Visualization project that reports on Business data than Movies Ratings.

I have created 3 datasets here you can work on to create or add to your portfolio.

These datasets are simulated from real business data, after taking out sensitive information and anonymizing the values.

I provide a background for each of the datasets below and you will be able to download the data files in Excel.

Those files contain a worksheet that describes the fields should you need to know what each of them means. Though, the fields are largely self-descriptive.

Also, I should add that you may have to prepare and mashup the data where necessary.

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company’s Wholesale-Retail Data

Foresight Pharmaceuticals is one of the leading Pharmaceutical Manufacturing companies with a global presence.

Their Markets are divided into different regions across the world. One of those regions manages the Germany and Poland Markets.

But the company does not sell directly to customers. Instead, they work with a couple of Distributors in all their regions.

They have an agreement with each of the distributor to share their Sales Data with them. This is to enable them gain insights up to the retail level.

Download the data set here

Applications, Admissions and Students Records Data

Foresight Institute is a Nigerian Tertiary Institution. They run Distance Learning Programs with Campuses across Nigerian States. Foresight Institute has Data at 4 levels:

  • Student Applications for intending students
  • Admission of New Students into different programs
  • Existing Students Course Registrations
  • Financial Data of fees paid by Applicants and School fees paid by Returning Students.

The Institution wants to be on top of their numbers, lead and make decisions based on their Data.

You can download their data here

E-Learning Courses Data

Foresight BI & Analytics is a Consulting & Training Firm. They specialize in developing Microsoft Power BI Reporting Solutions and Training for Individuals and Organizations.

The Firm has some Self-Paced Courses hosted on a Learning Management System (LMS). The Analytics provided by the LMS application does not provide enough information required by Management.

They can extract some Data from the app that includes:

  • Students Enrollments
  • Students Quizzes.

Foresight BI hopes to use the Data to improve Student Engagement, Marketing as well Improve the course curriculum.

You can download this data here


I believe working on any of the above datasets will not only add value to your Data Portfolio, you will also learn a lot from the process.

And don’t forget to post your work on Social Media, especially LinkedIn and Twitter. Please reference this link as your source and tag me if you can. Enjoy!